View & Interface


Access the following tools from the Macabacus > View menu or using keyboard shortcuts, as applicable.

Zoom In

Zoom in selected worksheets by a specified interval. Repeat the keystroke to continue zooming in. The zoom interval can be set to 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20% in the Excel > Interface section of the Settings dialog.


Zoom Out

Zoom out selected worksheets by specified interval. Repeat the keystroke to continue zooming out. The zoom interval can be set to 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20% in the Excel > Interface section of the Settings dialog.


Toggle Gridlines

Toggle gridlines visibility for the selected worksheet.


Page Setup

Access the following tools from the Macabacus > View menu or using keyboard shortcuts, as applicable.

Hide Page Breaks

Hide page breaks on selected worksheets when in Normal View.


Smart Print Area

Set or add the current selection to the print area. If the active worksheet has no print areas set already, the selected range will be set to the print area. If the active worksheet does have other print areas already, Macabacus will ask whether you want to set the selected range as the print area, or add the selected range to the print area. Performing this operation will put the active worksheet in Page Break Preview mode.


Set Print Areas

Set print areas for all selected worksheets to the address of the currently selected range. Performing this operation will put the selected worksheets in Page Break Preview mode and retain their original zoom levels (Excel randomly changes zoom level when setting Page Break Preview mode). You can select a single range of cells or even multiple non-contiguous ranges. With native Excel functionality, you must set print areas of each worksheet individually.

Remove Print Areas

Remove print areas for all selected worksheets and set their view to Normal. To do this using native Excel functionality, you must remove print areas on each worksheet individually.


Maximize View

Toggle the visibility of various workspace items (e.g., Formula Bar, Status Bar, ribbon, row/column headers, task panes) in Excel's application window to maximize the spreadsheet viewing area. This is especially useful when screen real estate is limited (e.g., laptops). Maximize View is similar to Excel's native Full Screen mode available in some versions of Excel, except that the latter is for presentation only, not editing—pressing the Escape key (necessary in the course of modeling) exits Excel's native Full Screen mode.

Maximize View

You can specify which workspace items Macabacus will hide/show in the Excel > Interface section of the Settings dialog, and your Maximize View preferences can be loaded upon starting Excel. Some Macabacus notifications and features may not work while the Status Bar is hidden.

Exiting Maximize View

If your Maximize View settings hide the ribbon completely, you must use the Maximize View keyboard shortcut to toggle off Maximize View, or restart Excel.


NavAid shades rows and columns intersecting the selected range for improved visibility while navigating cells, and can be enabled / disabled from the Macabacus > View menu.

NavAid will disable automatically upon saving a workbook, and NavAid clears Excel's Undo stack (an Excel limitation) when enabled. For these reasons, NavAid is generally intended to be used when reviewing models and data, rather than actively building models and populating data.


Access the following tools from the Macabacus > View menu to modify how worksheets can be scrolled.

Freeze / Unfreeze Pane

Freezing panes keeps the first [y] rows and [x] columns visible while the rest of the worksheet scrolls. Use this tool to freeze panes on all selected worksheets at the address of the active cell on the active worksheet, or unfreeze panes on all selected worksheets. This works like Excel's native Freeze Panes tool, except that it can freeze multiple worksheets at once.

Split / Unsplit

Splitting divides the window into different panes that each scroll separately. Use this tool to split all selected worksheets at the address of the active cell on the active worksheet, or remove splits from all selected worksheets. This works like Excel's native Split tool, except that it can split multiple worksheets at once.

Lock / Unlock Scroll Area

Lock the scrollable area of the active worksheet to the current selection, or Unlock the scrollable area of the active worksheet to allow unrestricted scrolling.

This documentation refers to the latest Macabacus version. Some features and descriptions of these features may not apply to older versions of Macabacus. Update your Macabacus software to take advantage of the latest features.

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